The other day, just outside the church, a frail grandmother approached me to tell me that she was hungry. The previous Sunday two young girls arrived late to church, they told me that they did not have a clock at home. They were under feed, their hair was red and messy, and they told me that they were hungry. Further discussion revealed that they had no mother so they had to care for themselves. Every day we encounter children and adults who tell us that they are starving. Often I ask them if they have any food at home, and always the answer is no. I do not remember the last time when our refrigerator or our pantry was empty. It is terrible to have an empty stomach. Sometimes I think it is their lot in life to wait for their next meal and to suffer in silence. We would like to feed everyone, but we can’t. Most people are indifferent to the problem because they are not confronted with hunger. But here, we cannot remain indifferent because the problem surrounds us. David said in Psalm 37:25, “I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread.” There might be something we can do to help with this situation. We got a hold of a photo of us taken twenty-six years ago, in September 1986, when we first arrived in Ivory Coast, West Africa, with two children and one on the way. Since then our family has grown a lot. God is faithful. He has never left us or forsaken us. Our reason for living is to invite as many people as possible into the Kingdom of Heaven.
We have recommenced serving a meal of spaghetti at the school. Each child has a plastic container marks with his name.
Some girls who graduated from the Child Care Plus program fill out the containers before distributing them.
Some Haitians only eat two meals a day. That is why they often have pasta in the morning and rice and beans in the afternoon.
It looks good!
This month, we celebrate our church 15th anniversary.
We put on a play of the Parable of the Wedding Banquet according to Matthew 22.
The King represents God, the groom Jesus, the bride is the Church, and the servant is the person who announces the Word of God.
Jessika Pierre (in the centre) and her little sister were at the first Church meeting in October 1997. Ten years later, Jessika graduated from grade thirteen, that was last July. When she was only twelve, her mother died as a consequence of AIDS. Her father, who is from the Bahamas, has never been involved in caring for her. When her mother passed away her family tried to place Jessika and her sisters in an orphanage. They were too old for the orphanage so Jessika and her sister Johanne were sent to their great uncles house seven hours from Port-au-Prince. The youngest children were sent to the orphanage. We were in Canada for a year and we could not care for them. Sadly, Jessika’s youngest sister died from AIDS when she was only five years old. A few years later we were able to facilitate their return to Port-au-Prince.
Jessika on the day of her graduation.
Jessika is now a teacher in our primary school Child Care Plus and she goes to Normal School at night. Normal School is the institution that trains teachers in Haiti. God has protected her and opened many doors for her.
The parting of the walls of our Centre is going well. Two exterior walls are done. The days of rain due to hurricane Sandy advanced the wall plastering in the interior of the building. We will soon start painting the walls.
The white metal windows have been installed on two walls. We choose metal instead of glass windows to avoid breaking.
Thank you for your faithfulness. May God rain down abundant blessings on you.
Our Church 15th Anniversary
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