The paths to visit the children at home are sometimes sinuous and steep, but it is worth it.
Many children sitting in the public places are waiting for a good new!
In one of the houses we went to, they brought eight sick people. Three of them said that they were healed after they were prayed for.
In the month of May, a team from Malvern Christian Assembly in Scarborough, Ontario, came to help us. Under Dirk Mast’s lens, things take a different shape. Several of the pictures in this presentation are from him.
Beautiful colored area that needs to be evangelized.
This year, over 650 children are sponsored through ChildCare Plus. Six hundred of them attend The Fortress School while the others go to another school.
Michel started building twelve new classrooms.
He hopes that they will be ready for the school re-entry or at least some of them. Please pray for Michel and the workers who work in temperatures reaching 50 ̊ Celsius in the sun.
We had an outreach at The Universal College.
At The Charles de Gaulle College, the youth played a skit called « The Chair ».
After they played a skit called « The Medical Clinic », and following the altar call, seven children that were prayed for were healed.
We celebrated the Pentecost with the senior choir
When the children arrive at church, we offer them some treated water.
The children like competitive games and the boys are not always the winners.
Our sanctuary with a partial view of the temporary dining area below.
The juniors church’s service in the basement.
Relaxing before washing the dishes.
Graduation of Luckman Nevil, our first full time pastor. Luckman is in the centre of the picture looking at the camera.
His class had 106 graduates from the Church on the Rock’s Bible School.
As always, we would like to thank you for your wonderful support. God wants to do miracles in your lives and in our lives. May God shows His power and His love in your lives.
Michel & Louise