We have had difficulties with our web site for a few weeks. That is the reason why we couldn’t post any English letters or pictures. We invite you to also read our previous newsletter entitled “Dry Season”.
Thieves in the night: at 2:00 in the morning on March 2nd, one of the Church’s guardians calls us murmuring in the phone: « There are thieves in the Church’s yard. » I ask him if he saw them. « No, but they make noise and they try to get into the building. » I say: « Okay, we come. » Jean-Guy, Michel and our guard wake up. They go to the site. The main gate is a little open. It’s pitch black night. Maybe the moon has hidden to cover their presence. Michel and the guard take a few steps inside. The guardian shot in the air. No sound is heard. They enter the yard and see no one. Maybe they got the time to jump the neighbor’s wall. They look in all corners and there is nobody. They call the Church’s guards who took refuge on the 4th floor. They chat a bit and then a last shot is fired in the air and they return home. The night was not good, but God protected them. The story ends well although the night guards had not closed the padlock on the gate.
God says : ‘’You must spare his life’’ Job 2, 6 : The Lord said to Satan : ‘’Very well, then, he is in your hands; but you must spare his life.’’ So Satan went out from the presence of the Lord and afflicted Job with painful sores from the soles of his feet to the top of his head.
Job’s history shows us the suffering of a man of integrity and fearing God, but it has a happy ending. Please pray for our grandson Mathis, who was hospitalized last weekend. His lipases which are normally below 39 went up to 2250. He was put under perfusion and the medical doctor cut him the food and the water for a couple of days. The next day, his lipases were down to 410 and the day after to 85.
We discovered in part was caused the intensity of this episode: the cysts that Mathis had to the pancreas are missing. The radiologist said that given the state of his belly: pancreas, liver etc. it seemed that there was a nuclear war inside his body. The diagnosis was confirmed by the gastroenterologist: 3 cysts (which one was 3 cm), broke! Now remains the problem of finding him a chemo that suits him and that will decrease the chances of recurrence of leukemia. Please pray for that.
Francine Pagé: Francine faithfully returned to Haiti every year despite her health. In this photo, she gives a seminar to some of the teachers. The success of the school is partly due to her. She also reviews the tests questions before they are presented to the students. This work represents each semester from 200 to 300 hours. But our 710 students almost all succeed. Please pray for healing.
Francine appears here with nine teachers for a seminar.
We are at the stage of the biannual correspondence of the sponsored children to their sponsors. Jean-Guy Paquet came to help us.
The month of March is very busy for us this year. We will receive three teams at home for a total of 15 people. It is because of the teams who visit us that things move.
Please pray for the work in Haiti for an explosion of the glory of God.
Michel & Louise