Every morning, the children gather in the schoolyard.
They salute the flag
While singing the national anthem of Haiti.
Before going to their classrooms, they pray.
The children walk in line into their class.
While some workers work in the ravine with the pick, the children go to their classrooms in rows.
Through the open shutters, we can see some pretty little heads with ribbons.
Mrs Francine Page (left) retired school principal, gave a precious help to our school. Through the years, she gave thousands of hours of Volunteers work to ChildCare Plus/Haiti.
Before the school re-entry, Jean-Charles Pelletier, master carpenter from Eglise Vie Abondante in Ste-Foy, Quebec, made some school tables.
He also made school benches for hundreds of students and some classrooms cabinets. Every day, six days a week, he would begin working at 6:30 am to end at 4:00 pm.
Jean-Charles sitting with our team of painters on the benches he made.
With his collaboration and the Disraeli working team’s collaboration, our children will be comfortably seated and they will have a table to write on for years to come. Thank God for that!
In October, a team of 14 people from Church Without Borders in St-Hubert, Quebec, came to visit with us.
They taught us some new songs and they visited some homes. The two nurses that came with them gave medical attention to several children.
Jean-François, their youth pastor brought a good message on Sunday morning.
The team fixed some benches.
Dominique amazed us with his sewing skills. He made the school curtains within 2-3 hours. He also fixed our truck’s brakes. But his profession is web design.
An important donation from the Pentecostal Evangelical Action in France allowed us to build five classrooms and the school benches and tables for 380 students. In a country where schooling is a problem, this gift means a lot.
According to an article published on CNN on October 11, 2011, a medication called Peanut Butter Medicine, Medika Mamba in Creole has been created to save babies suffering from malnutrition. It gives tremendous results. “You can’t rehabilitate a child who has severe malnutrition with a plate of beans and rice. There’s just no way,” said Thomas Stehl, the non profit’s director of operations. “Their stomachs are too small and their nutritional requirements are too great to ever be satisfied in that way.” Babies suffering from malnutrition can die or suffer more effects of malnutrition, including reduced brain development. In the same way, our lack of communion with God may cause damage to our inner being. We must not deprive ourselves of the essential communion with God that we need.
We would like to thank you again for your prayers and for your wonderful support to our ministry.