Season Greetings

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The other day, Jennifer, a frail young girl who is on the Child Care Plus program, approached me to say: “Aunt Sabi, there is nothing to eat at home.”
I asked her older sister if their dad has a job. She said no.
– Do your relatives bring you food?
– Sometimes.
-What do you do when there is nothing to eat at home?
– We stay hungry.
Sadly, the same story is repeated over and over again.

We opened the food warehouse door and we gave her some provisions.  We will have to do this until her dad finds a job or until we find a project for the youth to sustain themselves with. The Bible says: “ For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat.”  Matthew 25: 35 and “I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did it for me.”  Matthew 25: 40

There are 7 billion people in the world. Thus, with an estimated 925 million hungry people in the world, 13.1 percent, or almost 1 in 7 people are hungry. (Source FAO)

We never ask for money, but this time, we would like you to consider making a donation to feed the children in Haiti.  For those of you who would like to make a gift, please go to:, then, click on International Missions, then on Regions & Missionaries, then on Missionary.  Click on Charbonneau Michel & Louise, (Latin America & Caribbean, Haiti) and finally click on Amount. For those who use the mail, you may send your donations to ERDO and designate them as follow:  ERDO/Michel Charbonneau/ Feeding Program/Haiti.  ERDO goes for: Emergency Relief and Development Overseas.

We thank God for one of our Canadian churches who offered to pay for a chicken meal for our 1,500 children and youth for Christmas.  They rarely have chicken.  It is going to be such a treat for them.

A team from Chapleau, Fergus, Midland and Sudbury in Ontario visited with us this past November.

The team was led by Pastor Dan Lee.

Roy, an experienced electrician, drills a hole in a column to install a transformer.

Roy with some men lifting the transformer on the fourth floor with a cable and a pulley. The transformer weighs 400 pounds.

Installation of the transformer on the column.

Installation of the electric box that supplies electricity throughout our centre.

Some of the team members make a hole in the walls to bring power throughout the building.

Ann, a medical assistant, Vanessa, a registered nurse, and Sandra restore our clinic.

They sort and organize our medical cabinets.

A new stage is being built.

Dot Guertin preached a message to encourage us not to exclude people.

At church, we tend to give a place of honor to the wealthy people and a mediocre place to the poor and the marginalized.

God wants us to take care of the poor and the marginalized.

We thank you for everything you do for Haiti Ministries. We really appreciate it.

May God pour out blessings on you and your dear ones in this season.  We pray that God gives you a vision for the lost and that you will be His witness and make new disciples.

May you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!