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These three thoughts drawn from the book The Third Dimension of Yonggi Cho published long agoo, will always remained engraved in my memory.  We had so few books to read in Africa that I read it three times. The first time, after suffering from malaria that brought me to take three treatments to overcome for a total of 80 tablets of chloroquine and three IVs.  The devil likes to capture our thoughts to show us that it is hopeless, that we have no value and that our work is a failure. But we have to fight every day for the control of our thoughts. Jesus often intervened in hopeless situations and victory followed.  Therefore, we need to look to the future positively, in terms of miracles and in terms of success. In Ivory Coast, I (Louise) had one pair of leather sandals and they lasted me four years!

We hosted a joint team from Jonquière and Quebec. We evangelized in three schools and played the drama, “The man born blind”.

At the School of Hope, children play the drums to accompany the songs.

In the Mamou Elementary School, some are healed of various pains.

Marillina Parman, a French lady who lives in New Caledonia, taught us to play the angklung, a bamboo instrument. Each instrument only plays one note.  It is together that we can offer a complete piece.

The painting of the playground’s wall is complete.

Jean-Guy oversaw the transplantation of Palm trees and a different kind of tree, which grows very quickly. Until now, they have survived the children’s touch.

Martin at the front left of the photo has fixed dozens of the school computer’s problems.

Pouring concrete of the third floor which is the guest house’s roof.  God gives and we can continue building.

The team fixed the wall paper in the office.  Michel is available for Skype calls with your Assembly. The view is panoramic.

We still covet your prayers for our grandson Mathis who needs a miracle. Please also pray for the week of revival with Art Thomas, an American evangelist, which begins March 2.

Thanks for your words of encouragement and for your prayers.

Michel & Louise